Monday, October 24, 2011

The Patch

Mrs. K's Family Culture

Kindergarten Culture is one of sharing. Each week we will celebrate the culture of one of our peers. Stop by to see Mrs. K's family rules, responsibilities and how the Kurkinens have fun after school!

Your child's family culture will be posted in a window like the one above. It can be drawings, pictures and captions, lists, images...anything that helps us understand your family better.

Workstations Roll Out!

Seven centers, 27 activities ranging from painting, to playing, reading to writing...This is what we do when the teacher is reading with a small group!

Author's Chair

Kindergarten writing is an authentic experience. Kids write for someone to read. Everyday children get the chance to work one on one with Mrs. Kurkinen. They than get to read their work with the class. Every child get to the author's chair at least twice a week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011