This week we focused on learning in the kindergarten environment. We learned about our new friends and ourselves. As seen on our class bulletin board, we shared some of the ways we are special. Some of us wanted the class to know we had learned something new. Some of us shared our specific talents. Most of us shared about the people we love. A select few shared of their achievements and characteristics. The entire class wrote Mrs. Kurkinen’s response for her, stating, “ You’re special because you’re our teacher!” and I couldn’t agree more.
As always, the first week is more about learning to move through the space of our classroom and exploring our materials. Nevertheless this coming week we will begin the journey through the body of knowledge we will master by the end of the year. I have had the pleasure of answering the question, “when do we learn how to read,” many times this week. To which I answer, “Everything we are doing helps us learn how to read!” This next week our friends will be cheered to know we will be able to stop practicing walking in line to the cafeteria and begin ‘learning to read’ on a much more continuous basis.
I’m thrilled to thank all the moms that gave their time to volunteer this week at lunch and recess. As you witnessed it was desperately needed and I cannot thank you enough for being there to comfort and corral Kindergarten through that great transition. Be assured Friday went much more smoothly and this coming week will be better yet. Great honor goes out to Emma and her family for wading though the school supplies and organizing the teacher supply room. Special thanks to Harper and Pam for volunteering to do some homework for the class for our hundreds chart. Lehna offered to adopt Cali the guinea for the weekend and I will post a sign up for the following weeks to come should any other kindergartener like to volunteer for the job.
As I have said many times, this has been the best first week I’ve had in kindergarten. Our group is truly gifted with caring souls and curious minds. We are blessed in Room Thirty-One with a wide range of abilities. Every one of the five and six-year-olds will have the opportunity to teach one another. I envision this year to be more than a success; I believe it will be a triumph.
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