Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yet Another Kindergarten Challenge

Kindergarten had challenged parents once again to name the rule of our graph. Ask you child if they remember how we sorted these names. If you or your child needs a hint, look for 'i' and words that begin with ‘i’.

The name game is part of our daily curriculum in Room Thirty-One. Everyday we meet for our morning greeting, sing a few songs, are reminded of some of the procedures and routines in the classroom, and play "the name game". With name cards for everyone, we either use alliteration to ask a question, "Maria do you like mariposas?" or we share something we did over the weekend, and once a week we sort our names and create a graph. This is the most difficult and exciting facet of the name game because it is up to the class, or Mrs. Kurkinen to figure out how the names are being sorted. The sorter does not give any clues as to how they are sorting names other than “this name does/ does not have what I’m looking for”.

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