Today most of the gentlemen in our class decided to build a story out of plastic chain links, Kinects and colored tiles. The chain reached around a table, including the six chairs that surrounded it and began to grow to envelop more or our tables. Tristan took the initiative to write their story down...
"It Ws in th PAST AND frozen. iCE COLD WATR the ChAin WAS icE colD water. You know iT WAS in The FUTUre AND! POWEr! CAMe! to! The! ChAin!"
(It was in the past and frozen. An ice cold water chain was ice cold water. You know, it was in the future and power came to the chain!"
The seven boys worked hard, so hard the volume of the room reached relative silence, until they were unfortunately halted by the bell tolling the end of the day.
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