Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Shape Study

Geometric shapes have taken over room thirty-one. To complement our unit of cartography and Mexico we have been studying the vast verity of shape in our world. The characteristics and terminology of shape were the first to be discussed and discovered. Then the manipulation of such shapes. Finally we began to build with our new knowledge to form new shapes.

Paul, Zach and Levi work to build a structure and record the three demential shapes needed to replicate it. Terminology every kindergartner should know:

Cylinder, cone, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere, triangular prism and cube.

Children work together to find a way to match the 'footprint' of 3-D shapes on a puzzle board. They quickly discover that not all the faces perfectly match a single figure. The students must build another 3-D shape to match the 'footprint'.

Caitlin and Mac are competing to win a 'hexagon race'. They each have a die with six a 2-D shape on each face. They must roll to find out which 2-D shape the can place within any of the six hexagons on their game-board. They first kindergartener to create six whole out of the fractional pieces wins! Some were challenged to record these fractions in mathematical terms. Other  wrote:

1 trapezoid + 1 rhombus + 1 triangle = one hexagon
1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 = 1

On of the favorite math centers this week was landscaping with pattern block paper. Children used each of our 2-D shapes to create a setting for their writing workshop piece. Thank you Mrs. Hummelt for painstakingly cutting out all of our shapes!

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