Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A reminder... We are in Kindergarten!

Sometimes we act as though we are taking this class for college credit, but not to worry, we are still five-year-olds! One must finger paint in kindergarten. Nothing is better for textural analysis.

We are in the process of making gifts for our families... these may be presented after our winter break due to the weather. Keep your fingers crossed!! The final outcome is to beautiful to wait for!

Luca's Family Culture

Luca allowed the class to ask him questions about his house featured in Metropolitan Home this month. He brought a copy of the magazine to show the class. Kindergarten discussed why people live in different types of homes and how people decorate them to suit their needs. A major topic up for questioning was, "do you eat on that table or a different one?" Our answers to that question were very telling. Each kindergartner had a different reason for eating in a specific place.

Authors Chair

Now that we know how to edit our work, add more detail and ask meaning questions, kindergarten gets the chance to share our writing and respond to literary questions from the class.
Mrs. Kurkinen writes with a different student group everyday. These students get to share their best work with the class. Everyone gets to share once a week.

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

Kindergarten celebrates each winter festival that is represented in our class community. Hanukkah is out first celebration of the season.

Kindergarten met with our third grade reading buddies for latkes, dreidels and lots of chocolate!

Quinn get some help from his buddy in order to create his dreidel.

Mrs. Thurston volunteers frying our latkes!

Teaching the Teacher

Once modeled, the kindergartners get a chance to teach the teacher. Everyday Mrs. K chooses one or two students to help direct the class in a reading of our weekly song or poem. This is a great way to assess one to one matching, a skill vital for reading fluency.

Claire's Family Culture

Kindergarten listened while Claire explained many of the destinations and activities the McElroy family enjoys. She also brought a book and CD for kindergarten to experience. Kindergarten had an in depth discussion on the book chosen, why it might be Claire's favorite and why they themselves might chose such a text. The general consensus: it was calming.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome Jessica!

Jessica joined Room 31 this week! She moved to Portland last Saturday with her sister Jenny, who is in Mr. Peirce's class. The class welcomed her with open arms and was astounded how quickly she learned our routines. What happens when Mrs. K says, "1,2,3 eyes on me?" Jessica stops what she is doing and is ready to learn!