Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thank You, Thanksgiving

We gave thanks on Thursday thanks to all the families who came to help us!

The Test's the Thing

There comes a time in all our lives when we must endure a test. In kindergarten, this starts in October and occurs every few weeks until we get into middle school. Fortunately, these kids love "telling the teacher how much we've learned." They get to use their offices and work seriously like "we're in college". SO serious in fact, that the moment the teacher takes a picture they have to look serious too!

Addie's Family Culture

Addie shared many attributes of her household. She let us know what it mean to be a "sister [that] sticks together, why family like being together and how far you have to travel to see some of those you love.

Autumn Flies...Away

Sometimes, we just need to learn a little about practical science application. After learning parts of a leaf, how they lose their color and why, and what happens to them as they decompose, we study what happens when five-year-olds have seven minutes outside with such specimens.

And once in a while, the teacher has to get in on the fun too!

Author's Chair

Every week each student gets a 30 minute conference with Mrs. K about their writing. On their day with Mrs. K they get to read their work to the whole class! Every five-year-old is writing up a storm. here Jeffrey shares about his "ABC Ocean" filled with different colored fish. The ship sailing this ocean has a dog that can throw fish into the boat!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chalie's Family Culture

Charlie systematically took us through a year in the life of a Howard. When he was put on the spot regarding his family rules and responsibilities he responded carefully. "You have to do things the family needs to do even though you want to do something else or even if you were having fun doing something. You have to go with them [the family]".

We asked the kindergartners way it is important to be able to stop doing something we love and do something we might not like as much. The answers were mature and thoughtful.

Sandy, AKA, "The Tree Lady"

We're going on a leaf hunt with Portland Public's foremost authority on trees.

She takes us around our community and familiarizes us with the trees all around us.

Ouch! "This tree has a big owie!"

One to One Matching

One of the main skills kindergartners learn in the fall is one to one matching. Whether in reading, writing or math, student must be able to point to the words and objects they are reading and counting with a one to one correspondence.
One way we practice is by "directing" the weekly poem each day. Three to four kindergartners volunteer to direct while the rest of us read text. Another way is to ALWAYS point to the words we are reading during small groups literacy groups. Make sure this skill is being used at home. (Even if it seems they are 'memorizing' the text) Stopping after each word can be frustrating.
Encourage him/her to point to each word read and repeat the sentence as a whole if they miscue.

Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos is a holiday celebrating the passing our those we love. It focuses on the fact of death and honoring our mortality through remembering those that have past.

Sra. Watkin's invited us into her classroom to share in the elaborate festivities. We remembered and honored many together.

Emma and Aneel share their memories and experiences with those that have past. Kindergarten shows our thoughts and joy by placing our hands over our heart so the presenters know we are happy they has such great relationships.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween at Ainsworth

The rain held off just long enough to show off our school spirit!

For years Ainsworth has celebrated Halloween with Knights, Bees and Dragons making their way through the neighborhood parade. This year was no exception!

Pumpkin Math

We never leave an opportunity for learning behind. Once we chose our perfect pumpkin at Oregon Heritage Farms we brought them to class for some serious mathematical observation.

We cataloged, measured and recorded our pumpkin specs.