Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Author's Chair

As you can see, we have quite a few budding writers in our midst. Author's Chair has become part of our daily Writing Workshop routine. Completely voluntary, yet very popular, students have the chance to read a finished piece to the class right before we break for lunch. Most kindergartners have taken the seat so far this month, with just a few withstanding the urge to share their work. Today so many students choose the Author's Chair we had to share our work with a partner instead of with the whole class. This is motovating many students to do thier best, and finish what they start.

In the weeks to come classmates will begin to critique these pieces, giving advise such as, "I'm wondering what happens next, "I don't understand that part" or " I can't read it because.... the words are off the lines."

We are also preparing for Ainsworth Write Night, where families are welcome to join some of the staff, Mrs. Kurkinen included, to work with their children on specific writing skills. A school wide author's chair will be available for students to share their best piece to an audience. Mrs. Kurkinen will hold a intensive session on handwriting and correct pencil grip.

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