Sunday, September 14, 2008

Recording Literacy

Literacy training begins with recording actual events. Students write or draw autobiographical tales during Writer's Workshop. Mrs. Kurkinen models the thought process by writing about what she did after school, or how she felt about the fire drill on Wednesday.

Students receive a specific amount of drawing time to get their ideas on paper, then must spend the remainder of Writing Workshop putting letter sounds on the page. In the month of September students may write one of four ways; scribble writing (where no discernible letters are present), lettering (where a stream of known letters are written), Kid Writing (where sounds phonetically make sense and create words) or adult writing. In October, scribble writing will no longer be a necessary choice. By the end of kindergarten all students are expected to write five sentences in Kid Writing with many sight words spelled correctly. Punctuation and vowels included.

By the look on Isaac's face, it will be a breeze.

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