Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Johanna's Family Culture

When Johanna (Yoyo) shared her responsibilities at home the class was inspired. Yoyo helps make dinner, puts her dishes in the sink, waters the plants and takes care of her pet guinea pig. A discussion began concerning the consistency of these responsibilities. When a peer noted that she sometimes helps, Yoyo commented on what a 'responsibility' actually means, "If you only do it sometimes, its not your job, you just do it sometimes." Another peer remarked, "You have to do it all the time, when it needs it, for it to be your responsibility." Mrs. K asked if whether people with responsiblities always have to be reminded to do their jobs, or if they do them without being asked or given a consequence. Kindergaren collectivly agreed that "adults do not need to be reminded, but kindergarteners need someone to help them remember or do it for them." "but then its not a responsibility"...

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